

  • 15 minsCooks in 15 mins
  • Serves 6Serves 6


Step 1

To make broth, place garlic, ginger and pepper in a food processor and blend until a smooth paste.

Step 2

Heat oil in a deep pot and fry paste until fragrant.

Step 3

Add wine, sugar, oyster sauce and stock. Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer. Taste and adjust seasoning if required.

Step 4

Add salmon to liquid and cook gently until just cooked through.

Step 5

Remove and place in deep serving bowls, keep warm.

Step 6

Add broccoli to liquid and cook for a few minutes.

Step 7

To finish: Ladle broth over salmon bowls, add broccoli and garnish with sesame seeds and spring onions.


  • 6 Tassal Salmon portions, skin off
  • 3 bunches Chinese
  • broccoli, cleaned &
  • chopped
  • garnish
    • 20g black sesame seeds
    • 40g spring onions, finely sliced broth
  • broth
    • 25g garlic, peeled
    • 25g ginger, peeled
    • 2.5g white peppercorns
    • 40ml vegetable oil
    • 125ml Chinese
    • cooking wine
    • 60g palm sugar
    • 150ml oyster sauce
    • 1.5lt fish stock